Yearly report 1.1.2022-24.4.2024

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Changes compared to previous years

Compare group:   Year 2024 (17 pcs) |   Year 2023 (61 pcs) |   Year 2022 (53 pcs) |   Year 2021 (147 pcs) |   Year 2020 (110 pcs) |   Year 2019 (425 pcs) |   Year 2018 (475 pcs) |   Year 2017 (673 pcs) |   Year 2016 (1 pcs)

Hint: click a row for details

Questions with more positive answers than the compare group
No statistically significant differences between the respondents.
Questions with more negative answers than the compare group
Students are allowed to use their own devices for learning at school.**
See question distribution: Students are allowed to use their own devices for learning at school.
Own answers average 1.4
Compare group answers average 1.8
Statistical significance p < 0.01 (very significant difference)
In my school peer teachers are providing ICT guiding.*
See question distribution: In my school peer teachers are providing ICT guiding.
Own answers average 1.5
Compare group answers average 1.7
Statistical significance p < 0.1 (significant difference)
Target level: The whole school community is engaged in change brought about by digitalisation.

Please choose the description below that best fits your school’s situation, even if it is not fully accurate in all respects:*

*) The amount of stars implies the statistical significance